By hiring services, you agree with the terms below. Please read carefully! If you still have questions, you can ask me.

If I misunderstand something please tell me. Don’t be afraid to ask me to make changes or make criticisms.


The payment comes upfront, I only start the commission after receiving it. No sketch preview.

  • Payment in USD only. (PayPal)
  • You can refund within 1-2 days. After this period please understand that once a purchase has been made, there are no refunds. (Unless cancel the commission, for personal reasons.)
  • Payment split up to the half price, (50% at beginning - 50% finished work) for commissions above $130.
  • Any mistake of mine I'll fix it with no cost!


  • Time of work: When I start the commission I take a least 1 or 2 weeks of work, a maximum of 2 months, If something happens I'll talk to you properly. I work after college and study during the week.
  • Please be patient. If you want a very specific deadline (within a short time or before other commissions I have to do too) I’ll charge more 40% for the payment.

  • If the commission is simple, I can do it during the weekends.

Check my queue!

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All amounts will be settled at the beginning of the commission. Freedom request themes.

You will be updated through the process!

Depending on the complexity of the drawing I might charge more.

  • Changes after the finished drawing are charged a fee.
  • Accessories (guns, weapons, cars, etc) +$15-$30
  • More than 3 changes (sketch - colors - shade) are charged a fee.
  • Alt commission versions of the outfit, background, pallet etc are charged.

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You can:

✔ You have permission to edit the image after buying.

✔ print out the art for personal use only.

✔ repost (credit me please).

You can’t:

✘ You don't have permission to sell it again.

✘ Have commercial use without commercial rights.

✘ I don’t allow the customer to use my art on AI.

❏ Important!

  • I don't remove my watermark.
  • Commissions will be made in order of order.

In the case of commercial art, will be asked 35% of the funds.

For projects, I'm open to negotiations. reference sheet, personal comic, etc.

❏ QUEUE / wips.

The list is updated by open slots and the list will be deleted when all comms are finished.

The lists will have references given by clients. Completed commissions will obtain information about the commission and feedbacks.

Please read the information in the “important infos” when you enter my QUEUE.